Skoro kompletní seznam novinek v RAD Studio XE2

vložil Radek Červinka 15. srpna 2011 23:01

David I uveřejnil seznam (prakticky) všech novinek, takže ho tu představím. Kromě toho určitě bude určitě několik menších vylepšení v RTL, VCL nebo VCL.

Klíčové věci

  • Delphi 64-bit compiler
  • Delphi OS X compiler
  • C++ OS X compiler
  • FireMonkey Platform for creating 32-bit Windows applications for Windows 7, Windows Vista and XP; Server
  • FireMonkey Platform for creating 64-bit Windows applications for Windows 7, Windows Vista and XP; Server 2003 and 2008.
  • FireMonkey Platform for creating OS X 10.6 and 10.7 applications
  • FireMonkey Platform for creating applications for iOS 4.2 and higher
  • VCL (Visual Component Library) for rapidly building 64-bit applications for Windows 7 and Windows Vista.
  • IDE support for building and managing projects for 64-bit Windows
  • IDE support for building and managing projects for OS X
  • Delphi RTL for 64-bit Windows
  • Delphi RTL for OS X
  • Debug Delphi 64-bit Windows applications
  • Debug Delphi and C++ OS X applications
  • Native zip podpora v RTL pro Delphi a C++
  • RTTI for indexed properties and RTL support
  • INDY component libraries for Win64 and OS X
  • ActiveX for Delphi Win 64
  • VCL support for Win64
  • VCL Styles: Create VCL applications with enhanced GUI
  • LiveBindings connect any type of data to any UI or graphical element in VCL and FireMonkey


  • C++ RTL for OS X
  • C++ RTTI compatibility with Delphi
  • C++ Boost for OS X
  • Dinkumware C++ RTL for OS X

Nástroje v IDE

  • Deployment Manager: Deploy Delphi applications to OS X, 32-bit Windows and 64-bit Windows
  • Deployment Manager: Deploy C++ applications to OS X and 32-bit Windows
  • Deployment Manager: Deploy Delphi and C++ applications to Amazon EC2 and Windows Azure
  • Delphi Pointer Analysis for Audits
  • C++ audits
  • C++ Static Code Metrics

Databáze a DataSnap

  • All dbExpress drivers available for 64-bit Windows
  • dbExpress drivers for OS X – InterBase, Firebird, Oracle, MySQL, SQL Anywhere and Informix
  • dbExpress ODBC Driver
  • HTTPS support in stand-alone DataSnap Applications
  • DataSnap server ability to terminate socket connection
  • DataSnap CommunicationTimeout for HTTP protocol
  • DataSnap JavaScript Minification with dispatching
  • DataSnap Heavyweight callbacks support broadcasting to specific callbacks
  • DataSnap Callback channel events for servers and clients
  • DataSnap REST server support for multiple Callback Tunnels
  • DataSnap Session Events for TCP/IP Protocol
  • DataSnap KeepAlive support for TCP transport component
  • DataSnap Monitor and control connections
  • DataSnap wizard source code enabling developers to build their own DataSnap server wizards
  • ClientDataSet support for OS X and 64-bit Windows
  • DataSnap Desktop Client Connectors for 64-bit Windows, OS X, and Windows Phone 7
  • DataSnap Mobile Client Connectors for IOs, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone 7
  • MetaData support for TAzureQueueManagement
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service API
  • Amazon Queue Service API
  • Amazon SimpleDB API

Nástroje třetích stran a Interbase

  • FastReport VCL 4 RAD Edition reporting tool
  • Documentation Insight - a Delphi XML documentation tool
  • InterBase XE Developer Edition included for up to 20 users and 80 logical connections

Delphi Prism

  • RemObjects Oxygene Compiler 5.0
  • reporting tool


  • RadPHP Build mobile-optimized Web applications
  • RadPHP Visual mobile design surface to see how the interface will look on the device
  • Turn PHP apps into native mobile apps for iOS and Android
  • RadPHP jQuery mobile components


Novinky v Delphi

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Ing. Radek Červinka - Embarcadero MVP
profil na linkedin, Twitter:@delphicz

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love Delphi


Delphi je moderní RAD nástroj podporující tvorbu nativních aplikací pro platformu Win32, Win64, Mac OSX, Linux a na iPhone a Android. je nezávislý portál pro uživatele Delphi. Portál není koncipován pro úplné začátečníky, i když i ti se zde nebudou nudit, ale spíše na programátory, kteří již něco znají a chtějí své znalosti dále rozvíjet a sledovat novinky.

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