Český portál Delphi

ANN: MiTeC System Information Component Suite 15.0.0

Dlouhodobě používáme MiTeC System Information Component Suite, proto když Michal udělá novou major verzi je třeba ho podpořit. Jedná se podle mne o nejlepší komponenty ohledně HW pro Delphi, včetně zdrojů a life time licence.


Podrobněji jsem psal již o MiTeC System Information Component Suite dříve.


15.0.0 	30.4.2024

+ TMiTeC_SMBIOS - preliminary SMBIOS 3.8 compliance
- TMiTeC_Display properties BIOSVersion, BIOSString and BIOSDate becomes obsolete and removed
* TMiTeC_Display properties (Technology,ColorDepth,VerticalRefreshRate etc) moved to TMiTeC_Monitor (TMonitorRecord) and evaluated for every monitor individually
+ New Demo 37 added - Windows 11 Compliance Test
+ TMiTeC_Display - highest DirectX version supported detection added (TDisplayAdapter.DXVersion)
+ Process elevation detection precised (TProcessRecord.Elevation -> Elevated, ElevationType)
* Demo 01 enhanced and polished
+ TMiTeC_BIOS - UEFI and SecureBoot properties added (removed from TSMBIOS)
* TFirmware - UEFISecureBoot result type changed to TUEFISecureBoot
+ TMiTeC_Machine - added GetBIOSName and GetMainboardName methods
+ TMiTeC_Machine - Azure VM session detection added (TSessionTypes)
+ Locking in threads is now implemented with using TMonitor instead of TCriticalSection for Delphi 12 and higher
+ TMiTeC_OperatingSystem - LastUpdateSearch and LastUpdateInstall datetime added
+ Packages moved to separate folder and redesigned to follow Delphi library suffix (product version) scheme
* MiTeC.Windows.TMemoryStatusEx field types fixed (Int64->UInt64)
* TMiTeC_Memory - all properties of type Int64 changed to UInt64
* TSysProcMonThread - Memory leak fixes
* TSysProcMonThread - all memory class functions result type changed from Int64 to UInt64
+ TMiTeC_Memory - added LimitCommitCharge, CurrentCommitCharge, SystemCache, PagedPool and NonPagedPool properties
* Bug fixes (bad pointer typecasts, mixed signed and unsigned types)

Datum: 2024-04-30 10:11:00 Tagy:
