Roadmap Delphi aktualizována

vložil Radek Červinka 14. srpna 2010 23:08

Delphi Roadmap byla aktualizována.

Ve zkratce nejdůležitější změny (detaily) :

  • Delphi 2011 aka Delphi XE neobsahují crossplatform kompilaci pro Mac OSX (bylo odloženo do další verze, jelikož přes funkčnost výsledek nebyl 100% kvality a Embarcadero nechtělo riskovat špatný dojem)

z konference:

|If I'm reading that right, does that mean, "better to not include any
|OSX support in this release at all than to release a broken/badly
|incomplete OSX solution?"

Yes, that's what it means. We want to do it right, not have it at
"preview" quality. Some things definitely work well already, but not
enough to ship.
  • první polovina roku 2011 slibuje preview 64bit kompilátoru
  • další verze Delphi (nové codename Pulsar) by měla obsahovat 64 bit kompilátor pro Windows a cross platform řešení pro Mac OSX
  • projekt Wheelhouse - 64 bit C++ Builder (s novým kompilátorem), cross platform server support pro Linux (např. moduly Apache)
  • projekt Commodore - dokončení 64bit, ARM

opět z konference:

For Xplat:

Our offical timeframes for any release is always strongly skewed toward
"when it's ready" and we had hoped to ship cross-platform support this
year. However, during the last few months of development as the
milestones were approaching, it was clear that things were not
"gelling" as quickly as we'd hoped. This coupled with direct feedback
from partners and fieldtesters about the stability and usability of the
features, it became that things were simply not ready. While it was a
very difficult decision, the company committed to giving the
development teams the time necessary and resources to get it done right.

Those of you that have been on this train for a long time, can
certainly remember that in the past with other companies, we may have
simply forced the product out the door in whatever shape it happened to
be in. However, IMO, Embarcadero is truly showing that it has the
intestinal fortitude to make those hard decisions and make sure we are
always known for delivering high quality products to our customers.
This is, personally, a very refreshing change of pace…

For 64bit:

We've been working on Delphi 64bit for quite a while and it is looking
like the 2011 milestone target is still on target. In nearly everything
we work on for the nearer term projects, the 64bit apsects of the
design are always taken into account. There is still a lot of work to
do, but we do continue to consider any implications it may have. We
have been making on going progress toward the goal of shipping no later
than 2011 for Delphi and 2012 for C++.

C++ 64bit is being built on our next generation compiler architecture
and will take longer to finish than Delphi 64bit. For this reason we've
decided that this target has become important enough that decoupling
the Delphi and C++ releases allow us to get the Delphi release out
sooner. The benefit of the new architecture will pay significant
dividends for C++ customers over the next decade and will also benefit
Delphi users as well.

Můj názor: ohledně nezačlenění crossplatform jsem na vážkách, zda neměla být možnost aspoň nějaké preview verze. Každopádně se mi líbí, že se Embarcadero poučilo z některých starších verzí a snaží se držet kvalitu posledních 2009+ verzí.

Ohledně 64bit kompilátoru - je evidentní, že 64bit Delphi pro Windows dostalo ještě větší prioritu než předtím.

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Komentování ukončeno

Naše nabídka

Ing. Radek Červinka - Embarcadero MVP
profil na linkedin, Twitter:@delphicz

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Dále nabízíme i vývoj speciálního software na zakázku.

Neváhejte nás kontaktovat (i ohledně reklamy).

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Delphi je moderní RAD nástroj podporující tvorbu nativních aplikací pro platformu Win32, Win64, Mac OSX, Linux a na iPhone a Android. je nezávislý portál pro uživatele Delphi. Portál není koncipován pro úplné začátečníky, i když i ti se zde nebudou nudit, ale spíše na programátory, kteří již něco znají a chtějí své znalosti dále rozvíjet a sledovat novinky.

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