Embarcadero dnes uvedlo na trh FireDAC, což je už dříve zmíněná knihovna AnyDAC. Myslím si, že to je velký krok.
(logo teda nic moc :-))
Nějakou dobu si s tím hraji a je to fakt moc pěkné. Knihovna je zdarma dostupná majitelům XE3 Enterprise a výše. K profesional se dá přikoupit za 10.500,- .
FireDAC - produktová stránka, stažení pokud máte nárok.
A tady je zakopaný pes - píše se k XE3, ale v článku Marca Cantu (product manager Delphi) je psáno Professional bez XE3 a navíc je tam dotaz:
Older versions?
What about FireDAC for XE2, XE, or even older versions?
Comment by Ondrej Kelle [] on February 28, 14:57
A Marco odpověděl:
The current version of FireDAC has source code and packages that will
work also with older versions of Delphi, and the license allows that.
Což nic nevysvětluje. Každopádně instalátor nepodporuje přímo jiné IDE, ale pokud mu dáte parametr např. /IDE:DXE, /IDE:DXE2 nebo tak to projde. Případně /SHOWIDE.
Kompletní licence přímo z instalace:
Supplemental Terms
FireDAC client/server pack ("FireDAC") is © Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
Usage of each FireDAC license requires that you possess a corresponding Delphi,
C++Builder or RAD Studio Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate or Architect license.
FireDAC is governed by the terms and conditions of the Delphi, C++Builder and RAD
Studio software license and support agreement (the "Agreement") as supplemented
by these Supplemental Terms.
For each valid user license to FireDAC that you receive from Embarcadero,
you may install and use one copy of FireDAC with a corresponding license to
Delphi, C++Builder or RAD Studio Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate or Architect.
FireDAC may be used by only one user per license and in accordance with the license
type described in the Agreement for the corresponding Delphi, C++Builder or
RAD Studio Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate or Architect.
Licensee may deploy the portion of FireDAC identified as redistributable,
in executable form only, with the Works that Licensee creates, to enable local
and client server database access. These Supplemental Terms supersede references
to the "Client/Server Pack" in the Agreement.
You agree that the Agreement and these Supplemental Terms form a binding
agreement between you and Embarcadero.
Na AnyDAC se mi moc líbí kromě rychlosti, možností i množství podporovaných DB. Na semináři v Brně se určitě dozvíte více.
Datum: 2013-02-28 20:46:00 Tagy: embarcadero, AnyDac, delphi, db